
Letters Yoshii Kentaro

Dear Ms. Yuko Nishikawa

Given the current world affairs, it is not easy for me to write this letter from Vienna, which is located only about 600 kilometers away from the western end of Ukraine.  It is unbelievable that military invasions are taking place in Europe, in this age.  Unfortunately, it is not a nightmare. Many civilians have already died, even mothers with young children have lost their lives from Russian attacks.  This is unthinkable atrocity. Moreover, there have been threats of nuclear weapons, and of chemical weapons.  Is there any ethic at all?

There is a very high risk of escalating to a world war, if even NATO countries suffer damages.  What can artists do under such circumstances?  Only very famous artists are capable of raising large donations. I am so frustrated.

I can only pray for the situation to calm down as soon as possible.  And it is my heartfelt wish that the people of Ukraine will be able to return to their homeland, to rebuild their devastated homes and to live in their country as before.

The Covid-19 pandemic is far from over.

Yuko-san, please take good care of your health.

From Vienna, in a very fine weather,



    • Yuko Nishikawa
    • 2022.05.08 2:04pm

    Dear Kentaro-san,
    Dear Chapa-san,

    A year ago, I started a website with the help of Chapa-san, as I lost track of my raison d’etre as someone engaged in culture, amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
    I am again shaken by what is currently happening in Ukraine. I can only imagine the frustration of Kentaro-san, who is in a graver situation than myself in Japan.
    What are the roles of culture and art in the contemporary society…?
    Now, I am voraciously reading philosophy books, trying to make sense of what is happening in the world, and around me. Where did the values of truth, goodness and beauty go? Have they disappeared? Have we lost them? Or don’t they exist at all?
    Amid maelstrom of diverse ideas, I am spending my days, re-reading letters from the past, sincerely hoping to hold on to my aspirations for the world of truth, goodness and beauty.

    Yuko Nishikawa